Source code for gridengineapp.submit

from functools import lru_cache
from logging import getLogger

from .qsub_template import QsubTemplate
from .process import run_check

LOGGER = getLogger(__name__)

class FairTemplate(QsubTemplate):
    def __init__(self):

    def runtime(self):
        return self.l.get("h_rt", None)

    def runtime(self, value):
        self.l["h_rt"] = 0  # convert from datetime.

    def fthread(self):
        return self.l.get("fthread", None)

    def m_mem_free(self):
        return self.l.get("m_mem_free", None)

def max_run_minutes_on_queue(queue_name):
        qconf_key_value = run_check("qconf", ["-sq", queue_name])
    except RuntimeError:
        LOGGER.error(f"The queue {queue_name} has no run time.")
        return 0
    queue_times = [
        x.split() for x in qconf_key_value.splitlines()
        if x.startswith('h_rt')
    if len(queue_times) < 1:
        return 0
    queue_string = queue_times[0][1]
    hours, minutes, seconds = [int(x) for x in queue_string.split(":")]
    return hours * 60 + minutes

def template_to_args(template):
    """This encodes the consistent rule for qsub's flag system.
    Represent arguments to qsub with a dictionary where the keys are the
    flags and the values are either None, for don't include this flag,
    or a value, or a dictionary of key=value pairs.

    Why do this? It's easier to modify than a long string and puts
    no requirements on making the code know all of the flags.

        template: A dictionary of lists, values, and dictionaries.

        List[str]: Suitable for passing to qsub.
    args = []
    for flag, value in template.items():
        if value is None:
        elif isinstance(value, bool):
            args.extend([f"-{flag}", str(value).upper()])
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            args.extend([f"-{flag}", ",".join(str(v) for v in value)])
        elif isinstance(value, dict):
            kv_pairs = list()
            for tag, amount in value.items():
                if amount is None:
                elif isinstance(amount, bool):
            if kv_pairs:
                args.extend([f"-{flag}", ",".join(kv_pairs)])
                pass  # nothing to add.
            args.extend([f"-{flag}", str(value)])
    return args

[docs]def qsub_template(): """ Basic template for qsub. This means that any flags that can have multiple copies are already included in the data structure. So you can do ``template["l"]["intel"]`` without having to check that "l" exists. .. code:: template = qsub_template() template["q"] = "all.q" template["P"] = "proj_forecasting" template["l"]["h_rt"] = "12:00:00" args = template_to_args() assert "-q all.q" in " ".join(args) """ # These are all the flags that can be repeated. return {flag: dict() for flag in ["l", "F", "pe", "U", "u"]}
[docs]def qsub(template, command): """ Runs a qsub command with a template. By using the template, as described below, this function makes it easier to create a default set of qsub settings and overwrite them, job by job, without doing string manipulation. We can either try to put a super-thoughtful interface on qsub, or we let the user manage its arguments. This focuses on making it a little easier to manage arguments with the template. Args: template: Suitable for `template_to_args`. command (List[str]): A list of strings to pass to qsub. Returns: str: The model version ID. It's a str because it isn't an int. Can you add 37 to it? No. Is it ordered? That's not guaranteed. Does it sometimes have a ".1" at the end? Yes. That makes it a string. The template argument is a dictionary where each entry corresponds to an argument to ``qsub``. Here are the rules: * If the argument is a flag with no argument, set ``template[flag] = None``. * If the argument is a flag with a true or false, set ``template[flag] = True``, or ``False``. * If the argument is a comma-separated list, set the value to a list, ``template["dc"] = ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "CC"]``. * If the argument is a set of key-value pairs, set the value to a dictionary, ``template["l"] = dict(m_mem_free="16G", fthreads=16)``. """ str_command = [str(x) for x in command] if isinstance(template, QsubTemplate): template = template._template formatted_args = template_to_args(template) args = ["-terse"] + formatted_args + str_command LOGGER.debug(f"qsub {args}") return run_check("qsub", args)