Qsub Tutorial

Grid Engine is an abstraction of the Unix process. It makes a Unix process on a remote machine look like a Unix process on a local machine by giving the user access to its standard in and standard out streams, its Job ID (equivalent to process ID), and allowing the user to start, pause, and kill these jobs.

This library gives a program a tested interface to using Grid Engine commands. It reduces the probability of mistyping while making every last feature available.

Main Success Sequence

Let’s look at a typical sequence of events. Suppose we want to submit 300 jobs, for every cause of death. Start by making a template that describes all of the jobs:

from gridengineapp import QsubTemplate
template = QsubTemplate()
template.P = "proj_forecasting"
template.q = "all.q"
template.l["fthread"] = "30"
template.l["m_mem_free"] = "5G"
template.l["h_rt"] = "00:05:00"

Now we want to submit a bunch of jobs:

from gridengineapp import qsub
job_id = list()
for cause in range(300):
    job_id.append(qsub(template, ["/ihme/code/borlaug/run.sh", cause]))

That gives you a bunch of job IDs. If the list of job IDs is small, you might find their status by passing them into qstat:

from gridengineapp import qstat
jobs = qstat(job_list=job_id)
for job in jobs:
    if "error" in job.status:
        print(f"Job {job.name} in error")

The job status is a set of strings, where the strings can be “idle”, “held”, “migrating”, “queued”, “running”, “suspended”, “transfering”, “deleted”, “waiting”, “exiting”, “written”, “error”, or “waiting4osjid”.

Submit a Restartable Job

There are a few reasons a job might want to ask the scheduler to rerun it on a different node. For instance, the node where it starts could be missing mount points so that files aren’t found. The node could have an out-of-date version of an important piece of software. In these cases, you can start your code with a check of the node and, if it looks bad, restart the job:

from gridengineapp import restart_count

# This command increments the restart count, stored in file
# in the logging directory.
restarted = restart_count()
if not Path("/ihme/forecasting").exists():
    if restarted < 3:
        LOGGER.error("Node missing data mount point. Restarting")
        LOGGER.error("Node missing data mount point. Restart limit reached.")