Source code for gridengineapp.data_passing

from logging import getLogger
from pathlib import Path
import shelve

    import pandas as pd
except ImportError:

LOGGER = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FileEntity: """Responsible for making a path that is writable for a file. Args: relative_path (Path|str): Path to the file, relative to a root. """ def __init__(self, file_path): # If location_id isn't specified, it's the same location as the reader. self._file_path = Path(file_path) @property def path(self): """Return a full file path to the file, given the current context.""" self._file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return self._file_path
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate by checking file exists. Returns: None, on success, or a string on error. """ exists = self.path.exists() LOGGER.debug(f"{self.path} exists {exists}") if not exists: return f"File {self.path} not found"
[docs] def mock(self): """Touch the file into existence.""""w").close()
[docs] def remove(self): """Delete, unlink, remove the file. No error if it doesn't exist.""" try: self.path.unlink() except FileNotFoundError: pass # OK if it didn't exist
[docs]class PandasFile(FileEntity): """Responsible for validating a Pandas file. Args: file_path (Path|str): Path to the file. required_frames (Dict[str,set]): Map from the name of the dataset, as specified by the Pandas ``key`` argument, to a list of columns that should be in that dataset. """ def __init__(self, file_path, required_frames=None): super().__init__(file_path) required_frames = required_frames if required_frames else dict() self._columns = { key: set(cols) for (key, cols) in required_frames.items()}
[docs] def validate(self): """ Returns: None, on success, or a string on error. """ super_valid = super().validate() if super_valid: return super_valid errors = list() for key, cols in self._columns.items(): try: df = pd.read_hdf(self.path, key=key) if cols != set(df.columns): errors.append( f"for {key} found {df.columns} expected {cols}.") except KeyError as key: errors.append(f"for {key} found nothing expected {cols}.") return " ".join(errors) if errors else None
[docs] def mock(self): path = self.path LOGGER.debug(f"Mocking Pandas dataframe {path}.") if self._columns: for key, cols in self._columns.items(): df = pd.DataFrame({c: [0] for c in cols}) df.to_hdf(path, key=key, mode="a", format="fixed") else: df = pd.DataFrame(dict(key=[1], value=[1])) df.to_hdf( path, key="data", mode="a", format="fixed", )
[docs]class ShelfFile(FileEntity): """Responsible for validating a Python shelf file. Args: file_path (Path|str): Path to the file. required_keys (Set[str]): String names of variables to find in the file. """ def __init__(self, file_path, required_keys=None): super().__init__(file_path) self._keys = set(required_keys) if required_keys else set()
[docs] def validate(self): """ Validates that there are variables named after the required keys. Returns: None, on success, or a string on error. """ path = self.path suffixes = [".dat", ".db", ""] found = False for suffix in suffixes: search_name = path.parent / ( + suffix) if search_name.exists(): found = True if not found: nearby = list(path.parent.glob("*")) LOGGER.debug(f"Shelf path doesn't exist {path} but {nearby} do") return f"Shelf path doesn't exist {path}" if self._keys: with as db: in_file = set(db.keys()) if self._keys - in_file: LOGGER.debug(f"Shelf keys not found {path}") return (f"Shelf keys not found {path} expected " f"{self._keys} found {in_file}")
[docs] def mock(self): path = self.path with as db:"mocking shelf with keys {self._keys}") for key in self._keys: db[key] = "marker"
[docs] def remove(self): path = self.path base = path.parent for dbm_file in base.glob(f"{}*"): dbm_file.unlink()